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08 January, 2011

New Year, New Resolutions

I say it's the new year, but in reality, it's already January 8th. Still. A New Year means a new year. And what else comes with the new year other than new year resolutions that I know for a certain fact that none of which I make is EVER going to come true. A little depressing, but the truth. New Year resolutions just don't. People start off the year hopeful, grateful and excited. But honestly, unless that person is DEATHLY serious about their commitment to changing or starting something new, it just ain't gonna happen. It's just not. So let's not kill ourselves over something that we already know isn't going to come true.

Still. People make new year resolutions despite all that. And I'm no different. Hey, I am human after all. My new year resolution for 2011? Same one I've had for as long as I can remember. Be involved, be active doing what I love in ever single media possible. Tales of Darkness would be one of those medias. I started this site years ago with the idea of turning into my own personal blog for love, romance, heartache, heartbreak and all that jazz in between. Naturally, I've got no experience, nor do I want any, in this department, but it's an interesting topic none-the-less.

So I start off this year, this blog (yet again), and this post with the unavoidable and inevident question of: What. Is. Love?

I believe everyone has their own answer and version of love. It differs so vastly that it's kind of idiotic and disbelieving to think that a lot of people conceptions of love is often misguided by what's potrayed on television shows and hollywood movies. Oh, and of course dramas and sitcoms for those in Asia. Korean drama are my special favourite. Though the plot of 3-way love seriously need to be modified.

I know no one is going to read this, so I'm gonna go all out with my own version and belief of love. What love should be. Not for anyone else, of course. But for me, and me alone. Hey, who knows? Maybe one day in the veeeeeeeeeeeery distant future (LOL) my future boyfriend or even (gasp) husband might read this and we'll both crack up at the idiocity of it all, rolling on our wooden heated floors in a nice quaint apartment in Seoul. I'd like to see that happen very much. ^^

Love. Love shouldn't be what people have been making it seem for the longest of time now. I don't really believe in the whole "Damsel-in-Distress" situation, or "Prince Saves Princess" or even the "Crazy Crush on Super Hot Jock Guy". Not even the "Unbelieve Love Between Celebrity and Commonner" (yes, I am deeply dedicated to the Korean's superstar 13 member band, Super Junior. But I'm not crazy, idiotic and stupid enough to think that I'm any good enough for them like some psychotic people out there). ANYWAYS.

Love, for me, is something that makes you feel comfortable and free. Growing up, the one thing I hated the most wasn't liars but rather pretenders. I believe in the importance of the existance of white lies. Guys wouldn't be able to survive dating if white lies didn't exist. But pretending? Being fake? That's just one of the major factors that's bringing Apocolypse that much closer to us. Instead of falling deeply in love with some random stranger that could be some psychotic murderer and rapist, I want to fall in love with a best friend. Someone who're your so comfortable with that when you do annouce that you're in love, people would go "About damn time!" Couples like the kpop OTPs: KangTeuk, EunMin, KyuHae, JaeHo, HanChul... those type of relationships. Friends who're just so close that it makes sense if they ended up somehow falling in love. What's the harm in wanting to fall in love that way?

Right now, I'm single. Have been for almost nineteen years in in the next 3 days on my birthday. But hey, I'm not those desperate girls who think that life's only perfect if you've got a guy's arms around you. Of course I want that too. But it ain't gonna kill me if I don't have that now. I have lived up till now without one, after all. I have constant images of how my perfect guy (or gal, depending, ya never know ^^) would be. Honestly though, I doubt I'll ever have the type of guy I like. I am very picky. Heh. Yet another one of my flaws.

Still... I wonder if my guys will ever read this post? Would we already be friends? Best friends? Strangers? DAMN this curiousity of mine! Some destinies should just be seen before hand! Honestly!



Annyoung! よこそ!Welcome!

Congratulations. You've just stumpbled upon my romance blog. This blog is LITERARILY my dumping ground for anything relating to romance. Clique? Yes. Avoidable? Heck no.

You're free to leave a comment or review on either the website I posted the story on or (if you don't have an account there) write them on the posts here (click on the "comment" button at the bottom of each post). I love to read what people think of my stories and ways to improve. So just be frank. I don't bite. Umm... much.


I am, without a doubt, a very well-known gay fanatic. I love them, I worship them. I honestly can't live without them. So you can very much expect a lot of if not all of my stories to be centered or semi-featuring a gay couple... or more. hehe.

I've always have and still am very interested in japanese and korean cultures. So most of my stories have slight references to them. For most part I add "subtitles" lol at the end of each story / chapter to help.

On those rare occasions I do write 'bout straight couples I tend to favour tomboyish girls and girlie guys cuz those are the types I'm personally attracted to.

If you have anything against these beliefs of mine, find them repulsive or immoral, please, fell free to click the "exit" button. I do not force you to like what I like and in turn I hope you'll not force me to give up what I love or badmouth me for it. Just go. Thank you.

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